Pinecones and such...
Profilific @ December 23, 2001 10:08 p.m.




diary reviews
so vain



Second update in two days. It's a miracle, I swear.

Anyway. I've wanted to do a sort of profile-type entry for a while now. Completely pointless, of course, considering the few people who read this thing already know me. But I'm going to do it anyway.

Angela called me normal. That surprised me, until it occurred to me that I probably am pretty normal for Diaryland. Let's see... sixteen year old female, white, conservative, Christian (okay, maybe not too normal around here...), has boy problems. Mmm. It's just that most people at my school would label me as... ehh... "strange." I got voted Weirdest Personality in band. Buahahah.

Okay. I got it. I'm weird for Nowheresville, Arkansas. I'm fairly normal for most places. I mean, if Mary moved here... Never mind, I think she caused enough havoc when she came to visit for one day. That was with the Baptists, though....

Ah. Well. I'm short (5'1") and roundish (130 lbs). I like computers and movies and books and music. I don't like television. Right now I am reading a book called Hyperspace, which is about theoretical astrophysics. I'm also reading the Alpha & Omega series at Gryffindor Tower. I have red hair and hazel eyes and a zit problem. I'm addicted to Mountain Dew. I have a great capacity to love.

I like my CDs.
Stunt - Barenaked Ladies
Born on a Pirate Ship - Barenaked Ladies
Gordon - Barenaked Ladies
Rock Spectacle - Barenaked Ladies
Shoebox E.P. - Barenaked Ladies
Maybe You Should Drive - Barenaked Ladies
All Their Greatest Hits - Barenaked Ladies
Maroon - Barenaked Ladies
Eve6 - Eve6
Horrorscope - Eve6
The Planets - Gustav Holst
Lateralus - Tool
Aenima - Tool
Undertow - Tool
Friction, Baby - Better than Ezra
Our Newest Album Ever! - Five Iron Frenzy
Supernatural - dcTalk
A Cheap and Evil Girl - Bree Sharp
Butterfly - Crazy Town
Isle of Q - Isle of Q
Lynyrd Skynyrd Extended Versions: The Encore Collection - Lynyrd Skynyrd
The Best of the Beach Boys - The Beach Boys
Carmina Burana - Carl Orff
The Wind Music of Holst and Vaughn Williams
'98 Spring Concert - Iowa City High School Choir
Music for String Lovers - ?
Moulin Rouge soundtrack
Little Shop of Horrors Original Cast Album
South Pacific soundrack
The Saint soundtrack
O Brother, Where Art Thou? soundtrack
Star Wars: A New Hope soundrack
Star Wars: Episode 1: The Phantom Menace sountrack
John Williams Conducts John Williams: The Star Wars Trilogy
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone soundtrack

Heh. I like my CDs. I love Jonathan.
