Pinecones and such...
My love life resolves itself, and other fascinating facts. @ March 3, 2001 4:36 p.m.




diary reviews
so vain



Warning: the following is not an actual entry. It is a modified version of an email to Zoe P. in Iowa. Proceed with caution.


That's how hot it is outside. 96 degrees. I had to turn on the air conditioner when I got home. Can you believe that? And a week ago we had a frost which killed all the flowers on our tulip tree).

Okay, enough with the random nice stuff. Let's move on to everyone's favorite subject:

The Jonathan thing is pretty much over. I do love him... but I've finally managed to put those feelings away. I made him call me last month and tell me what was going on... he said he didn't think anything was ever going to happen. Again. So...

Okay, now that's over. And guess what? You'll never have to listen to me whine about him again! I promise!

School is still school. I had a literature test in Adv. English today. I actually studied (wow!) so it was easy. I need a good grade because I didn't turn in the last two sets of Scarlett Letter questions. I haven't read it all, except for the first page. And even Cliffs Notes says it's boring. Let's all say hooray for old American literature!

Good news... I took the regional biology test last month as part of Academic Day, and I won second place! They gave me a medal! Yea! I didn't even go to the awards ceremony because I was sure I hadn't won anything. That test was horrible... I believe it was a college test. I still want to know what the origin of camels has to do with biology.

Oh! More good news! The high school band went to concert contest last month and got straight 1s in concert performance and sightreading. That combined with our 1 at the regional marching competition last October gets us a sweepstakes trophy (4 or 5 feet tall). It's the first one we've ever won! We're all enourmously proud of ourselves.

And then our band director gives us this THING to play for spring concert. "Folk Song Suite." Umm... it's hard. Really hard.

I was accepted as a semifinalist for the Arkansas School of Math and Science. The last stage is an interview, which I have Saturday morning. My cousin has an interview at the same time. His dad talked to an admissions person on the phone who said we were both pretty sure to get in. And you know what? I think I'll go.

I'm also dropping out of the Baptist church. Three years with those people is quite enough. All of them, even Jamie, are under the impression that they are Enlightened and everyone else isn't. Of course, they'd never come right out and say so. They just sit around and claim that the Earth was created 4000 years ago and dinosaurs and man lived at the same time. Give me a freaking break!

Weird thing... my DAD is coming in as a guest lecturer for my English class on the 24th. Help us all.

I went to a Barenaked Ladies concert in Memphis on March 17... it was just incredible. JLR, my mom, and my other cousin came too. Jamie liked it as much as I did. My cousin was traumitized. And you know what? My mom liked it too. Weird.

What about last Sunday's X-Files? Alex was lovely. The rest I didn't really like. The whole "now he's alive, now he's not" thing is pretty corny. Honestly, it's like a soap opera. I've read better Mulder Returns plots in fanfic. Much better. Oh well. I think I'll just pretend that the last episode was "The End."
