Pinecones and such...
Happy birthday to me. Or not. @ May 31, 2001 11:58 a.m.




diary reviews
so vain



It's my birthday. I will be sixteen years old in one hour and six minutes. I was supposed to be in London today, but Greg got engaged so that was scratched.

It's been a rather dull day.

My dad came barging into my room at 8:00 in the morning commanding that I get up. "It's my birthday," I protested. "I know," he said. "Happy birthday." I still had to get up.

So I went downstairs and ate a Slimfast bar and read the comics. But we're out of the good bars so I had to eat the weird ones. Well. That's okay. I've had worse.

I have to shower and make my bed before I can get on the computer -- another rule. So I did that. Then I turned on Monty Python and the Holy Grail and watched a bit of that while playing "The Seventh Circle" on telnet.

Jeremy gave me the movie as a present at my birthday party Tuesday. He also gave me a Shrek doll. Jamie gave me a necklace and matching bracelet. Andrea gave me Connect Four (love that game!). Ben gave me a bottle of green Heinz ketchup.

Seriously. But I appreciated it. For Christmas he gave me a bottle of regular Great Value ketchup. As you can see, I'm moving up the ladder.

Yeah... the party was fun. El Acapulco was good, even though the beans were too salty. Shrek was really good. It was funny and romantic, and had lots of great jabs at Disney. Plus the animation was fantastic. The best part of the movie was at the end... They both stayed ogres, as opposed to the typical "and everyone was beautiful/handsome again" superficial Disney route. Jamie cried.

But now my friends are gone, and I'm moving away, and none of it will ever be the same again.

I'm not getting any presents today. My parents got me a computer for school and a plane ticket to California to visit Jamie in July, so I'm not getting anything else. Which, of course, is quite understandable. I like my computer. I am very satisfied with my computer.

I think this has been my crappiest birthday ever.

Maybe I'll go make myself an omelet for lunch.
