Pinecones and such...
Memorial Day @ May 28, 2001 7:08 p.m.




diary reviews
so vain



Okay, this thing has just undergone some MAJOR reformatting, in case you didn't notice. I changed the layout again, and, again, stole Mary's. Mostly, anyway. The background I made myself a few days ago. It's called "Starry Night." Original, huh? I'm just stealing things all over the place. But I like my Skippy little collage very much, thank you. I also made the sidebar... my first image map! Awww! I'm so proud of myself. It's rather ridiculous. But I remember (back in the day, ::snort::) that I used to think that image maps were the height of HTML knowledge. They're really pretty easy. Even I can do them, so come on!

Hm. I just realized that the picture of Krycek I put in the sidebar is the same one I used in the collage. Oops. Oh well, though. I just like the picture.

We went to see Pearl Harbor yesterday. It was mostly good. Better than the "C" that Mr. Big Shot Movie Critic (a.k.a. Philip Martin of the Arkansas Democrat Gazette) gave it. Silly, arrogant man. He said that the masses would undoubtably drool all over it, but he himself didn't care for the movie. I can see why he didn't, though; the whole love triangle thing was just slightly ridiculous and gave a superficial tone to a movie that should have struck very close to home. The action sequences, special effects, etc. were very good. The destruction shown was powerful and tore at the heart, particularly the hospital scene. But the stupid overdramatized romance ruined it, just like Titanic. Oh well.

My sixteenth birthday is Thursday. Yea me. ::waves banner:: I'm having a party tomorrow. Jamie, Andrea, Ben, Robert, and hopefully Jeremy are going to meet me at El Acapulco (Mexican food mmmmm) at 5:30. After dinner we're going to see Shrek, which looks quite good. MBSMC even gave it an "A."

My parents are having some friends over tonight for brownies and ice cream. I am required to join them in order to "socially mature and learn how to communicate with adults." Riiiight. I can already communicate with adults, thank you very much. All my teachers adore me, though that probably has more to do with my grades than my mouth. I would rather stay here and play with HTML.

Speaking of which, I think they're here. I must go then. Ta ta.
