Pinecones and such...
And now for something completely different @ January 23, 2002 9:24 p.m.




diary reviews
so vain



Jamie... likes... Jeremy.

This is extremely odd. I'm not entirely sure why it's odd, but it is, even if Andrea's been predicting it for the past two years. Jeremy's like my brother, and Jamie's like my sister, and brothers and sisters aren't supposed to... ick.

Still, it's kind of cool. And Jeremy didn't dismiss the idea outright like he did when Rachel had that huge crush on him. He does think it's weird, but he's willing to go on a semi-date with her and give it a try. Trouble is, he's not free for the next three weekends.

There are four girls in the group: me, Jamie, Andrea, and Rachel. This makes me the only one who hasn't had a crush on both Jeremy and Ben. In fact, I haven't had a crush on either of them, or on any other guy in the group. (Considering the other two are Gayln and Robert, though, that is not at all surprising. Ewwwww.) I suppose I'm just too busy mooning over Jonathan to ever notice anyone else.

All-region tryouts were at the high school last weekend. I thought I might make bottom of second band, then after I auditioned I was convinced I wouldn't make it all. I didn't look at the key when I was sightreading, which is a definite strike against me. But when Mr. Wells finally gave us our results, it turned out that I made second band, fifth chair, which isn't at all bad especially considering all the practicing I did was during my free period at school. Our school put in twenty-two people this year (twenty-eight tried out out of a band of about forty-five), which should be some kind of record. Only thirteen people got in last year. Jamie was the only person from our group who didn't make it. I feel kind of bad for her; her total score was 45/200. Of course, mine was only 89.

Jeremy made first band, second chair, 152.5/200, an excellent score. Robert made first band, first chair. Gayln made second band, fifth chair. Andrea made second band, last chair. Rachel made first band, seventeenth chair. Ben made second band, seventeenth chair. Jonathan made first band, second chair, with a score of 161/200, which is... wow. Jeremy, Robert, and Jonathan should make All-State. Try-outs for that are the weekend after next, and All-region clinic is this weekend in Jonesboro. We're leaving at 11:15 on Friday, which means I get to miss chemistry. Most excellent.

My new class this term is P.E., which replaced one of my study halls. Our grade is based solely on whether or not we bring clothes to change into. Coach Jester isn't even in the gym about 80% of the time. Jeremy and I attempt to play basketball and Britton tries to kill me with various projectiles. La la.

I thought I had a crush on Britton for a while, but then I figured out that I don't. I just feel like I should. I almost wish I did, just to take my mind off Jonathan.

Jeremy and Jamie (especially Jamie) like to talk about how stupid Jonathan is, but he made honor roll and they didn't. I also like to talk about how stupid is, but I have the right because I made the honor honor roll, and he just made general. I rock, I'm a genius, I got a letter from Harvard yesterday, oh yippee, because I'm still in love with that little jackass.

Jonathan and I had a short conversation while examing our score sheets after All-Region. It was our first since the Open, excluding the thank-you phone call. It was exciting. I particularly liked the part where I told him he could just take his little euphonium rocket to the moon. He was acting rather euphoric at the time. The euphoric euphonium. The euphoric euphonic euphonium. Wheehee.

The euphoniums and trombones had to play some part of the music by themselves in band today. One of them was doing it especially loudly and especially well, and it was a euphonium rather than a trombone, so I knew it was Jonathan. It actually made me shiver and sort of groan.

Prom mania has officially begun. The student council/preps (same thing, really) had the first prom meeting today, and LaNita was slobbering over some prom magazine during free period in the band room. This was particularly depressing because not only was I currently engaged in chemistry homework, but I was being serenaded by the sound of Jonathan playing his All-State music in one of the practice rooms.

I really don't think he'll ask me, but I've figured out that if he does, no matter how much I want to tell him off, I'll just grin stupidly and say yes.

Perhaps during All-region this weekend I should do as Mary suggested and kiss him silly. That would be quite enjoyable, at least until he shoved me off of him. Or maybe he wouldn't. He is a teenage boy, and he does like me, so maybe he'd shove me in the opposite direction. It's all a moot point, though, because I don't have the nerve to do anything, and on the rare occasions when I do, he doesn't have the maturity to accept it.
